Licencing Evening

5 May 2022

Licencing Evening (Events, Upcoming Events)


5 May 2022 - 5 May 2022

7:00pm – 9:30pm

Hamilton Car Club Clubrooms

Categories: ,

We are holding an evening for anyone wanting to get a MotorSport NZ competition licence. This will include M-ClubSport, R-Rally and C-Circuit licences.

There will be no cost for the evening but you will need to be a current member of a MotorSport NZ affiliated club. If not a current member go to the Memberships Tab on this website and complete the form.

Prior to the evening you will need to register on the MotorSport NZ online system. This can be done here,

Full information on the various licences is available on the MotorSport NZ website,

In the data on each class of licence there is information on what to do to prepare for the test. Please read this before attending.

If you have any questions about the evening call either Bruce 021 243 7403 or Bill 021 723 260