The Hamilton Car Club Clubrooms and grounds are available for hire. Please use the application form below to submit an application to the club. All applications must be lodged in time for a committee meeting to take place to approve the hire of the clubrooms. Committee meetings take place on the 3rd Tuesday of each month. The committee reserve the right to accept or decline any application as they see appropriate.
The clubrooms will not be hired for 21st birthday parties.
After hire, the clubrooms must be left in a clean condition as they were before hiring. Failure to do this may result in cleaning charges being deducted from any bond paid.
When the clubrooms are hired for a function at night, due to noise restrictions the front doors must be closed and music turned off at midnight. Failure to comply with this may result in forfeit of any bond paid.
When applying to hire the clubrooms or clubgrounds, the applicant will be liable to pay for any damages to buildings or grounds resulting from their hire.
The clubgrounds may be hired seperately without the use of the clubrooms.
A deposit must be paid into Hamilton Car Club bank account on acceptance of your booking.
Account details: Hamilton Car Club
ANZ: 06 0317 0335984 00